Tuesday, March 01, 2005

White Guy Nearly Crashes Volvo Listening to NPR

Daniel Schorr

So I am driving home today from work, listening to NPR. There is lengthy coverage of the news that freedom seems to be breaking out in several places in the Middle East. Amazing. Its beginning to feel like 1989 in Eastern Europe. I am smiling, thinking, maybe God is at work in all this. Maybe, all this Iraq mess has some unexpected dividends. I wonder what Rob Asghar is thinking?

Then its time for news analysis with Daniel Schorr. I sink lower in my car seat, anticipating the typical smug discouragement I have come to know. Now mind you, in my recollection Mr. Schorr hasn't said anything favorable about a Republican administration since Ike. I am thinking, "here it comes", some form of indirect tribute to Madeleine Albright's brilliant foreign policy is the reason for recent developments in the Middle East. But instead, to my shock, I hear THIS (you have to listen to it, especially the ending).

I wanted to shout! "George Bush may be RIGHT." Right? Daniel Schorr on George W. Bush? I nearly piled my car, and could not stop grinning all the way home.

A Different Kind of Worship

As noted here my way cool wife just returned from a weekend of home building in Tijuana. Upon return, the team of those who went were trading emails about their experience. This email, from Jason Blandford, a Fuller Seminary student, has something very good to say:

"You know, our church has four different "styles" of worship, which are all different versions of the same thing. But the idea of going to Mexico and building a house seems to me like an act of worship--we are offering our bodies as living sacrifices, a spiritual act of worship (Romans 12), and we labored and worked honestly with our own hands, so as to have something to share with the needy (Ephesians 4), we rendered service with enthusiasm, as to the Lord and not to men (Ephesians 5), we did it for the "least" of God's people (if there is a "least") and we did it for the King (Matthew 25). People at our church have asked me what is my favorite style of worship...from now on I will tell them the truth--my favorite way to worship the Lord is to build a house for someone who doesn't have one."
