Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Goodbye, For Now...

Farewell, for now, Julie

Today's news:
  • United Air Wins Court Battle Over Pension Plans
  • Rumsfield Seeks Leaner Army
  • China Rules Out Sanctions to Pressure North Korea

And in our world, our dear friend Julie today went Home. The cancer she fought for almost a year was more than she could bear.

Julie's husband Tony, summed up the struggle so very well just the other day in an email to all of us who have been praying and hoping for Julie:

"She has also agreed to be formally admitted into the hospice program, having resisted that label up to now. They are delivering a hospital bed this afternoon, and the doctor told me that our sweet Julie has but a few days left with us. I don't believe that. I'm not going to deny the rapid decline my eyes see. I am not going to avoid opportunities for me and the children to begin the process of transforming our little family into a littler family. But in the midst of that, I am not going to deny the absolute and ultimate, merciful and faithful sovereignty of God. HE will decide the moment of her death. HE will be with her and with all of us as this unfolds. HE will give us joy and comfort in the midst of this suffering. And, if He wishes it, HE will heal her and grant her a longer life. Nothing we do or do not do will change the soveregnty of God. No amount or form of prayer, no supplements or treatments, no doctors, no alternative therapies, no labels, no rituals can change what God has ordained as the length of her days. For me there is comfort in this, because it means we continue in the grace and presence of God even if He takes her. There are many who may doubt, or rage or give up entirely, but not us.

As for me and my house, we believe."