Monday, June 06, 2005

For Thomas and Emma

In memory of Julie

Those of you who have been with me the last several months have followed the journey Home of Julie Silvestri, our dear friend. As a sign of Julie's lasting effect on those around her, a Trust Fund has been set up in her honor at the school she served at for many years. Julie was loved by all. The grinning little people you see above are Thomas and Emma, Julie and Tony's children.

If you would like to contribute to the education trust fund, please make your checks out to: James P. Higgins, Trustee of the Julia Lawrence Silvestri Children's Educational Trust u/t/a dated as of May 19, 2005. Note: 1) Julie's first name was actually Julia with an "a" and her name is not misspelled, and 2) all the aforementioned text needs to appear on the check.

Please mail your checks to: James P. Higgins, 4224 North Clybourn Avenue, Burbank, CA 91505-4001.

This is a wonderful investment.

Laptop Stupidity


In a move filled with the grace and charm of a pregnant wildebeest, last night I spilled a half glass of white wine into the keyboard of my laptop. My wife laughed at me, which is often the case when I do something stupid, or hurt myself. I find this a form of Divine Justice. My laptop is in intensive care, as I speak.

My reflection is that:

1) The Lord is punishing me for imbibing (modestly) in the Evil Demon Liquor.
2) I am an awkward klutz, who needs to spend less time on my laptop, and more time with real people.

The voting is open, what do you think God is saying?

Purpose and Our Old Skins (Cocoons)

Like a skin

Think of the things we use to describe motivation in our culture. Purpose. Type A. Motivated. Driven. A "real go-getter". Take charge, baby! We Americans, watch out.

My recent thoughts about "Purpose", vocation, and the recent journey of my life has had me thinking quite a bit about, well, the purposes that God may have for our lives that we don't pick up on so easily. Subtle purposes, more of the subcurrent of life. Are we quiet enough, or introspective enough to know what is really going on? Can we really see what God wants to do to and through us? One of my favorite song writers, Sara Groves, has some great thoughts about this in her song, "Like a Skin", which explores Pauls discussion of the New Man.

The butterfly can just look back
Flap those wings and say Oh, yeah
I never have to be a worm again
The snake gets tired of being him
He wriggles from that itchy skin
Leaves it lying where he's been and moves on

I've been longing for something tangible
Some kind of proof that there's been change in me
Feels like I have been waking up
Only to fight with the same old stuff
Change is slow and it fills me with such doubt
Come on New Man where have you been
Help me wriggle from this Self I'm in
And leave it like a skin upon the ground

I am often a poor listener. I get angry with my kids when I don't need to. I am often terribly selfish. I could be such a better person.

Oh, to be able to leave that skin upon the ground. Help me, Lord.