Thursday, February 17, 2005
So what's with All These Darned Bloggers?
Now, remember on the old (good, and really funny) Saturday Night Live when Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtain used to do "Point, Counterpoint"? Well, here is the "Counterpoint" post on the power of what blogs can accomplish. We who think ourselves so cool and hip to be blogging would do well to take these points into consideration.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Perfect Church, or Place of Hope and Healing?

Oh look, the perfect family at the Perfect Church!
You might recall I have been thinking recently about the concept of "The Perfect Church". I had an interesting conversation with a friend today on the phone (again not accomplishing anything for the American economy). He has recently moved churches, in a situation similar to our family, and has found a new church home in which his children, aged 11 and 9, can thrive. As for he and his wife, well, that is another matter. Seems this church does not really believe in leadership roles for women, and might be a bit autocratic in its leadership styling. Well, imagine that. And you thought dancing and drinking were bad news!
My friend made a comment during our chat that caught me off guard, but was actually quite generous in its tone. He said,
"We have learned to lower our expectations. What we are looking for is aAs I have reflected on this, I have two strains of thought, in keeping with my slightly bi-polar personality.
place where our kids can learn and grow in a healthy, nuturing place with good
Christian ed. As for my wife and I, the expectations are different. We are really just looking for something that is not really bad! If we approach it that way, we can't be that disappointed".
First, maybe it is alright for us to lower our expectations. Wait, maybe its ok for ME to lower MY expectations. I have high ones you know. Just ask my kids! Sheesh....Daaaad, give me a break. Perhaps I am too judgmental, and I demand too much from the church. Maybe its a result of going to school where expectations have always been high. Or maybe, because I know some really good pastors, who have really healthy churches. Or maybe its that darn wonderful seminary near our house, where so many of our friends have gone, and we continue to meet outstanding people. I need to relax. Lower the bar, slack off, take it easy. Mellow out, dude.
But wait a second here. Maybe we need to think more about our expectations. Seems that some famous church fathers have, in the past, in letters to some rather wacky congregations. Are we to settle for "not really bad"? With St Paul I have to shout, "Certainly not!" Perhaps we have to raise the bar, demand more from Christian community, and work hard to achieve authentic communities where people can discover a way of life and a gathering of believers that points the way to a remarkable Savior.
Coming next....discussion of how we might begin to do that....
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Productive American Workforce, Unite!
Monday, February 14, 2005
Gosh Its Hot....or Maybe Not!
So, is it really hot, or not? This article from the Wall Street Journal discusses some interesting facts about a controversy over the issue of global warming. See also, this web site for more details on whether its really hot or not.
While I feel that environmental stewardship is very important for us to consider and perhaps embrace as Believers, I am also very hesitant to believe everything I am told by UN climate study experts. Read the Journal article for more on this. I have to go now, and denude some forests, create a toxic spill plume in my backyard, and squash small helpless endangered bugs with my hiking shoes.
To TNIV or Not TNIV, That is the Question

Alright, I confess right here my predominant ignorance of which is the most correct Bible version. However, Mark Roberts has started an interesting series of posts on the new TNIV (which does not stand for Truly Neat Incredible Version, nor Those Naughty Inspired Visions) Bible, which has recently been released. Seems there is some disagreement brewing in Happy Evangelical Land over this one. I trust Mark will deliver us a helpful and thorough overview of the matter, which really will be helpful to understand the issues involved. Mark is a good man.
As for me, after discerning this matter, I will know exactly, precisely, and without question what is the perfect will of God regarding the correct Bible version to carry in my oversized, leather clad, bumper sticker-covered Bible book cover (which can also be used to thonk theologically incorrect clods over the head!). Thank goodness for self righteousness. Amen.
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Getting Some Perspective on Life Here

Under the Acacias.
One more item. For the most balanced thinking on the political dangers of pulpiteering I have seen in a long time, please check out this post from Rob Asghar.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Church Shopping or Settling Down to Imperfection
We have several friends who have been church shopping for more than 10 years. Actually, we know lots of people like this. Most seem to be under 40, and constantly in search of just the right blend of hip worship music, sermons that encourage without threatening, and a latte bar that serves biscotti with just the right amount of crunch to it.
Ok, maybe not the last bit. However, constant church shopping eventually becomes sad, has a tendency to fracture our lives in Christian community, and can lead to behavior noted here. Many of these folks never seem to find the "perfect church". Come to think of it, the concept of a perfect church is a bit creepy. Just think of it. Everyone smiling and happy, no problems, really good snacks on the patio, no conflict, short and efficient committee meetings. Yikes! Does such a thing exist? Indeed, should it even exist? Discussion for another day.
Settling Down
There are those who final decide to settle in. And this is one of my favorite stories, given the changes our family has been going through these past months. During the past year, as our family has had to adjust to worshipping at a different place each week, something wonderful is happening at a small church in Pasadena.
Interestingly enough, there is a small group of Christian men who meet in an office suite directly across from mine in Old Town Pasadena. Each Wednesday, as I come to work around 7:30 AM, I can see the lights on in the suite across the hall. Ranging in age from mid 30s to mid 40s, these men have been supporting each other for a number of years. They have seen weddings, family struggles, and the birth of children together. One is a film maker, another a financial planner, a third a stock market investor. There is also a landscape architect, and a youth ministry worker. These are varied friendships that have lasted through a common bond in Christ. One member has a wife who is on the faculty of a seminary.
Interestingly, this group is also almost entirely comprised of several families that are very accomplished at church shopping. They have been visiting churches in our area for over 5 years. Stopping in to a new church for a couple of weeks, then moving on; never quite finding what they wanted. Never quite right. This porridge is too hot, that is too cool. Where is the "just right" bowl?

Finally, one Sunday not long ago, the corporate journey of wandering ended. This group of connected families that grew out of this small group... all agreed to rendevous at a small Presbyterian church in town, one that had been dwindling in membership for a number of years, with the congregation aging. To make a longer story short, they have decided, together, that finally they will settle here, in this little church, warts and all. God seems to be working in the hearts these families, as they have joined the church, and are beginning to sink down roots of faith in a congregation that is happy to welcome them. Pray for the members, old and new, of Knox Presbyterian Church. This could be a journey worth watching!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
They Called Him Coach

As I mentioned to Rob in a recent email, Coach Wooden has, for me, been a hero, a role model, and a literary mentor of sorts. I have read most everything he has written; each full of wisdom, grace and experience from life. While I attended UCLA a few years after Coach retired, I felt the influence he left on the University for many years to come. Rarely has such a quiet, gentle man of profound faith, has such a lasting affect on athletics. Rob Asghar says it much better than I can. However, Mr. Asghar might also want to read this.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Beginning of Lent
Throughout my pastoral tenure at Irvine Presbyterian Church I’ve put ashes on hundreds of foreheads. It’s both a strange and a wonderful thing to do. It’s strange to tell people, in so many words, “You’re mortal and you’re going to die.” Yet it’s wonderful to remind people of why they need a Savior, and to invite them to begin getting ready for a deeper experience of God’s grace on Good Friday and Easter – even seven weeks before Holy Week begins.
I remember distinctly times when I have put ashes on the forehead of a dear member of my church who was nearing death. And I remember occasions when I have imposed ashes on the foreheads of newborn infants. The point is that, whether old or young, we are all mortal. We are all caught in death grip of sin. And we all need a Savior.Indeed, we do.
More Yummy Church Cooking

Baby Back Ribs with Lemon Confit Marinade
First off, go here to find a great list of the winners of the first awards for best evangelical blogs, including my friend Mark Roberts. Now, on to more cooking, chopping, and grating.
Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one anotherand all the more as you see the Day approaching.After the last post, you should have completely messed up your kitchen counter, and possibly even begun saying bad words to yourself. Cooking is messy, unless you microwave your entire menu like this. Life is messy too. The church can be a very messy place, and so can trying to find a church that fits just right. Or is that what we should be doing in the first place? Where does the Scripture tell us, "thou shalt looketh for a great long time for a fellowship of saints, and not settle thee in until you findeth a place that is just alright in all things completely."
Right now, in our family we attend between two and three churches each Sunday. We are very religious! Ha! The reason for this is singular - we have daughters aged 11 and 14, both of whom are involved in good youth programs that nuture their growing faith. To our frustration, these youth groups are not at the same church. However, we are becoming logistical experts, with the carpooling, pick up and drop off prowess of FedEx. The spiritual health of our kids is our first priority. My wife and I have made the decision that, for this season in our lives, "it is not about us" - it is all about the health, growth, and development of our girls relationships with Christ.
That is all that matters. We are grown ups (well, I am most of the time). Over the past week, as I have reflected on all this, I have slowly become more aware of the big problem in this church hunt. Me. My judgmental heart, my longing for perfection, my baggage and frustration with the past; in short, my weakness. Perhaps that is why I have always identified at the deepest level with this verse. I need more grace, and I need to reflect it more in all I do, including my searching.
If you are interested in this whole concept of church, what it means, why it is important, take a look at this recent article in Christianity Today by Tim Stafford. This sums it up far better than I can.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Recipe of a Homeless Churchie

Jamie Oliver has never seen a recipe like ours!

In the several weeks I have been blogging, I have been carefully avoiding the largest issue in the spiritual life of our family. You see, we Norris family are a somewhat, sad yet hopeful, wandering yet found, happy yet pessimistic, conflicted yet at-peace bunch. We are, as of this writing, without a church home for the first time in our lives together. How can this be, you wonder?
Well, here is the receipt for living at our home: Take two forty-something adults, blend well with more than 16 years of marriage, child rearing, career developing, laughter and tears, and a wonderful church home. To this mixture add one 11 year old vivacious girl, and then spice with a dash of a 14 year-old girl, with a mind of her own (sprinkle in liberally -"adolescent attitude"). Whisk repeatedly with the busyness of life.
To this stock add the profound disappointment of leaving said church home after 17 years. (Reasons for the leaving are best left unsaid, but in the interest of full disclosure, will color the comments I make going forward). This ingredient has the tendency to sour the mix, so counter this with some rum or wine, your choice.
Next begins the chopping and grating portion of the recipe, and our journey, together and apart as a family attempting to follow Christ.
Monday, February 07, 2005
Bringing you the Latest in Cold Weather Survival
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Hey Jude, No Wardrobe Malfunctions!

Get back!

If you will look over this post, you will know that our dear friend Julie has been struggling with very serious cancer. Tonight, we learned that Julie is back in the hospital, in a great deal of pain.
By way of the good people at Whittingshire, may I encourage you with this thought:
"We can't pray for everyone. But we can each pray for someone. Before you go to bed tonight, think of someone who is grieving, lonely, ill, or in pain; someone who is stumbling because of his own flaws, or because of someone else's; someone who is hurtling toward disaster, or crawling toward good. Someone you know personally, or someone you don't. Choose someone, and then--for her sake, your sake, and heaven's sake--pray."
Might you pray for Julie...tonight?
Friday, February 04, 2005
Carolyn Arends - The Bargain
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Atheism and Eternity
Can God Move Mountains, or Walls?

In March of 1956, Winston Church gave a speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri with this remarkable quote:
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow.
And so, almost 40 years later, the curtain had not lifted, and our ragtag band of European, South African and American missionaries spent our summers smuggling Bibles into the Soviet block, in order to encourage the persecuted church. In my previous post, I began to relate my experiences in Eastern Europe prior to the fall of the Iron Curtain. Our starting point was a farmhouse in The Netherlands, and unlikely base camp for counter espionage efforts for the Kingdom of God.
During our time resting and preparing in Holland, one of the disciplines the directors of the mission asked us to practice was prayer. During all the waking hours, there would consistently be someone praying in a small room on the second floor of the farmhouse. This way, the theory went, the work of the mission would always be covered in prayer. As a part of this prayer discipline, a kind of scrapbook had been prepared with photographs and biographies of all of the leaders, and even sublieutenants of the Eastern Block. Talk about "scrapbooking", remove the "s", was more like it! We were asked to spend a period of time praying for these men....
There I sat, the little young missionary from America, with my scrapbook of commies. I will never forget what went through my mind during that time of flipping through the book of photos. My thought was "Oh please, God! I believe in you and love you with all my heart. But can you really do anything about these guys, I mean, really?! These are the leaders of the Soviet Block, for heavens sake! These are really bad guys, and they have a LOT of really large missiles, and tanks, and guns. And none of them are even smiling in these pictures here! This is never going to happen! How about I just pray for my relationship with that girl I like back home instead?" My faith was tiny and thin. But, I remembered something about praying for your enemies.....
So, doubtfully, hesitantly, and well, obediently I prayed. And over the 10 or more years that ministry had been in existence, other people before me had been praying. For many years after they in, and day out. And undoubtedly, so did countless faithful Believers behind the Iron Curtain - for year upon year - praying for the eventual demise of the system that had repressed them for years. Slowly, deliberately, the wall was beginning to splinter, from deep inside its base.
Five years later, I was celebrating Christmas with my family in Toronto, watching on the news as the Iron Curtain crumbled.
God can move mountains, and walls. He is doing so today, all around us. Might we have eyes to see, and ears to hear the silent, sometime nearly imperceptible sound of movement.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Greater Love Has No One Than This......
My more liberal friends will excuse me for a moment if I offer this. Tonight's State of the Union was one of the most moving in recent memory. For almost two years, our nation has struggled with and debated the concepts of a just war, nation building, and the appropriate exit strategy from Iraq. Tonight, we witnessed the focal point of what we all have been debating. I quote two passages from the State of the Union:
"One of Iraq's leading democracy and human rights advocates is Safia Taleb al-Suhail. She says of her country, "We were occupied for 35 years by Saddam Hussein. That was the real occupation. Thank you to the American people who paid the cost, but most of all, to the soldiers." Eleven years ago, Safia's father was assassinated by Saddam's intelligence service. Three days ago in Baghdad, Safia was finally able to vote for the leaders of her country -- and we are
honored that she is with us tonight. ""And we have said farewell to some very good men and women, who died for our freedom, and whose memory this nation will honor forever. One name we honor is Marine Corps Sergeant Byron Norwood of Pflugerville, Texas, who was killed during the assault on Fallujah. His mom, Janet, sent me a letter and told me how much Byron loved being a Marine, and how proud he was to be on the front line against terror. She wrote, "When Byron was home the last time, I said that I wanted to protect him like I had since he was born. He just hugged me and said, 'You've done your job, Mom. Now it is my turn to protect you.'" Ladies and gentlemen, with grateful hearts, we honor freedom's defenders, and our military families, represented here this evening by Sergeant Norwood's mom and dad, Janet and Bill Norwood. "
Janet Norwood, right, of Pfugerville, Texas whose son was killed in Iraq last year, is thanked by Safia Taleb al-Suhail, leader of the Iraqi Women's Political Council, during the State of the Union address Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2005, at the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)This moving moment between distant cultures, illustrates so completely, the justification and real meaning of what this war is about. The cost of Freedom is born of bittersweet pain. Thank you Norwood Family.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
God In a Box - And Our Need
Instinctively we know that we cannot box God up in any conceptual framework of our own devising, and that if we think we have succeeded in doing so, then what we have in our box is not God. Our little minds cannot conceive him, let alone contain him. '"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts"' (Is. 55:8-9).
Even the fleeting glimpses we catch of him as he passes by in moments of ecstasy or pain, of beauty or wonder, of goodness or love, leave us tantalized by the fullness of the Reality beyond. Yet these glimpses are themselves a form of 'mediation'. For they are declarations of God through the glories of heaven and earth, through the intricate mechanisms of nature, through the complexities of the human situation in its combination of nobility and degradation, and through the whole range of our responses to it. These 'mediations' leave us dissatisfied, however. They point to heights we cannot scale, to depths we cannot
fathom. We need a mediation that is at once more concrete, more personal, more genuinely human. In a word, we need Jesus Christ. For however rich the reality we have ever seen or felt or thought or suspected, apart from Jesus Christ, God remains the Infinitely Beyond. Only once has this Beyond come personally into our midst, when the Eternal Word of God actually became a human being and lived among us. Only then did human eyes behold true 'glory' in human form, the radiance of ultimate personal reality, 'the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father' (Jn. 1:14).
Monday, January 31, 2005
Dead Church Part Trois
And now, my friend, Tod Bolsinger has this post which begins to touch on the issue of real Christian Community - having the church become more of what perhaps (as I am not God, although my dog thinks so) God intends for it to be. I am passionate about seeing the church become more real, more vibrant, more genuine - so that lives may be changed for the Kingdom's sake.
I am confident that Tod will lead us further on an interesting journey. Perhaps we might even get off our blogging duffs and spend some real "face time" with people who are genuinely seeking after God. Now there is a concept....
Humility - A Concept Needed
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Crossing the Border Into the Past

The Berlin Wall - circa 1984. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" I think God had lots to do with it too!

Last night, I began a tale of my travels into Eastern Europe in 1984. This was, for me, a turning point experience of my newfound faith, as I had come to know Christ the fall of 1979 (a story I shall reserve for later, if you care). Ever since my coming to Christ, I had always felt that something was missing - that I did not really understand the whole picture about what following Christ meant.
I shall never forget one man we visited in a little house in what is now the Czech Republic. Our team of four US well-meaning 20-something missionaries had worked quite hard at trying to "dress Eastern", meaning dull colors, no designer labels or hip styles, etc. We were painfully drab, and proud of it. We had memorized the route to our "contact's" home. We walked there from our campground outside of town, and we were quite pleased with the way in which we attracted essentially no attention to ourselves. It should be noted here that the people we were to visit were never notified in advance that we would be coming on a specific day and time; they were simple told to anticipate a visit at one or several times each summer - from "friends from the West".
The home of our contact came into view as we rounded a corner, and we were feeling more confident that no one would ever notice us, due to our clever disguise. As we came to the front yard of the home, we looked up to the front porch of a simple house to find the front door opening, even before we made it up the front walkway. Outstretched arms greeted us, as we were quickly welcomed in. We thought our "cover" was blown! After we exchanged greetings, we asked our contact how it was possible that we had been recognized, since we looked so "Eastern". This dear brother, persecuted for many years for his faith, imprisoned, and marginallized by the communist regime, smiled, looked us in the eye, and said,
"Oh my friends, that is easy. I saw you coming down the street. You you have freedom!"
Want to discover a new demension of faith? Spend time visiting persecuted believers, whose very lives are at risk because of what they believe. Moving. Transforming. Meeting people like this has a tendency to reorder your entire world view; it did mine. It has been 20 summers since we packed our vehicle full of Bibles and headed off on an adventure.
The adventure of following Jesus continues to this day!
A Remarkable Day

History in the making

Saturday, January 29, 2005
Grasping for Freedom

An Iraqi votes in Michigan, overcome that his son, who was killed in the 1991 uprising,
could not vote with him. Hat tip to Hugh Hewit for the link to this wonderful photo.
All these thoughts of freedom bring me back to a wonderful opportunity I was given in the summer of 1984, when I traveled to Eastern Europe on several occasions with a ministry then known as Eastern European Bible Mission, now changed by the force of freedom into New Hope International. I traveled with teams bringing (actually smuggling - very James Bond-ish) Bibles and encouragement to the persecuted church behind the Iron Curtain. That summer changed my life, and began to change some of my political perspective as well.
I will never forget meeting with the faithful behind the Iron Curtain. Young and old, humble and educated. Their perspective of their faith was so very different than mine. They really needed Jesus, they depended on Him daily, in a way that I could only imagine. Theirs was a faith that had legs on it, that meant something of substance. In 1984, freedom for Eastern Europe was only a fantasy. But more on my travels later.....
And now, it is the Iraqis' opportunity to grasp for liberty. May all of our prayers follow them as they head to the polls. Lord, keep them safe...
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
One Important Thing...Make that Two about $$$
With money on the brain, lets not forget that tragedy is still a daily occurrence many places in the world. ....From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Dead Church, or Community of Transformation?
So, is the church in America heading toward cultural insignificance, has it become just another manifestation of our fixation with the temporal, or can it be a place of real, substantive transformation? Why is the church in our own country growing at a rather tepid pace (or in many denominations - shrinking), compared with dramatic, explosive, and sustained growth in many places in the "third world", most notably in Sub-Saharan Africa and South America? Why is it all we read about concerning church growth in America has to do with Rick Warren's latest book, or some Bible-belt Name It and Claim It congregation?
Could it be that we are not listening to the real meaning behind the stories we find in the book of Acts? Tod Bolsinger has started an interesting look at what Christian community really means. Read it, think about it, discuss it with your Christian friends. Perhaps, just maybe, if we could begin to grasp what real, meaningful, Christian community looks like, we could, one church at a time, transform our culture. I have to quote Tod's finishing thoughts today:
Further, Christian Community is not just a shared experience. It's
not people who sit together in pews or a movie theater or a football stadium
(even if they are the audience for a Christian event!). It's not polite
conversation at a potluck or a great weekend together at a Christian camp.
Christian Community is an ontologically irreducible organism. It is a
living reality that is imbued with the Spirit of God. And most
dramatically, it is the very life of the Triune God drawing people into a
covenantal relationship with God and each other. It is God's own being on
earth lived in and through believers for the single end-result of seeing each
person become like Jesus Christ. So that the Community together is a
witness for Christ.
Monday, January 24, 2005
An Excellent Book on Youth Ministry
Imagine this, taking a sabbatical from your career as a seminary professor, and instead of resting by the seashore, pondering theological thoughts (phew!) during your time off, you elect to teach public high school for a year, all with the intent of better understanding the lives and culture of young people. This choice to teach high school was the basis for Chap Clark's ground-breaking book, "Hurt". As a former youth worker and parent of a teenager (and another approaching teenage) I cannot say enough about this book for its clear perception of the state of youth culture. Prepare to be surprised, shocked, offended, and awakened to the state of our youth. This book will make you mad, sad, scared, and hopeful. Prepare for a paradigm shift. Clark has done careful research of the world of high school students, and his work examines their world of "clusters", or friendship groups, and also includes insightful glimpses of the social world, moral confusion, loneliness, and sexual behavior of our young. Clark points out in vividly clear language the pain they face, the confusion they deal with, and the ways we adults have abandoned them. However, this book is not a complete downer. Each chapter ends with hopeful suggestions for change; ways in which the cultural afflictions young people face can be healed. Hope is abundant, and change is possible. Make it your book club choice, buy it for your friends, fellow teachers, administrators, school board members, and youth workers!
There, said my feelings, I feel better already!
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Country Club or a Rescue Station
I found it providential (as in God not making mistakes) how this morning's sermon fit so nicely into this musing by my friend Rob Asghar. Lord, please make my life more oriented to the Rescue Station....
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Our Fragile Lives
Anyway, after all the silly girls left the table to go watch Disney channel, we adults lingered a while, to discuss the pain and heartache being faced by a dear family at our church. This young couple, Tony and Julie, along with their two young children, are struggling with the massive weight of a recurrence of cancer for Julie. The first time Julie had cancer was more than five years ago, and she (and the Lord) beat it. For a while. It has come back, and this time, more seriously. So many of us, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, fellow workers, and extended family have been praying for Julie's healing since last summer. The prayers never seem to stop. It is constant. When we wake, when we go to sleep, when we are driving, doing the laundry - always, "Lord, be with Julie and heal her, give Peace to Tony and the kids..."
I wrote to my Pastor friend, Mark Roberts recently, and asked him, "Does any of this make any sense to you?" His reply, "This side of Heaven, no". Which leads me to sharing this post, and a significant quote from it with you - its about this strange "in-between" life we lead here on earth, and is from Pastor Steve McMillan's blog - Steve lost a child nearly 7 years ago, and reflects on the loss....... and the mystery of this life we lead:
"I yearn for more than a son that doesn't die. I want something beyond just having my shattered dreams pieced together. I long for more than an answer to why some babies are stitched up wrong. I'm parched for something that I've lost and that I hope someday to find but I'm not sure what that something is. I grieve for my son who died and at the same time I realize my grieving goes even deeper. I mourn my homeless-ness. I grieve having to live where I don'y fit. I feel so much like a stranger - like I am not really welcome here - as if most of me doesn't belong in this space and this time. This longing is for something and at it's most consuming moments I swear I can hear inside of it a faint echo, like a lingering aroma or a shimmering mirage, it is too painful and beautiful to grasp and yet I long for it with all my heart. It is both scary and wonderful and I don't know what to do with it. I don't know if this is what Solomon calls eternity in my heart or if it is just my hope that it is. I don't know if my longing is the rumour of another world or just my frustration with who I am in this one. I'm not sure if I'm still grieving the loss of a dream or if I'm being given a new one. "
This is a fragile and temporary life we lead. Each day. Like Steve, I don't know much either. May we all seek, with all our hearts, the ability to better hear that echo; to see that dream.
Pray for peace and healing for Tony and Julie.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Way Too Much God?
"And yet such promising moments were followed by this, the ending of the speech. "Renewed in our strength -- tested, but not weary -- we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom."
This is -- how else to put it? -- over the top. It is the kind of sentence that makes you wonder if this White House did not, in the preparation period, have a case of what I have called in the past "mission inebriation." A sense that there are few legitimate boundaries to the desires born in the goodness of their good hearts.
One wonders if they shouldn't ease up, calm down, breathe deep, get more securely grounded. The most moving speeches summon us to the cause of what is actually possible. Perfection in the life of man on earth is not."
It should also be noted that Ms. Noonan is quite sympathetic to us evangelicals, and the faith in general. She is in the midst of a form of sabbatical from the Journal, taking time to write a book about Pope John Paul II - I can't wait for it to be done.
We American's so need to keep our perspective about the messages we send to the world. One fellow who thinks about this is Tim Thompson. This editorial is wonderful help in that area.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
A Good Day for America
Found the prayer as of December 25, 2005

Hook 'em horns

Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Supposing We Really Found Him?
It is always shocking to meet life where we thought we were alone. "Look out!" we cry, "its alive!" And therefore this is the very point at which so many draw back - I would have done so myself if I could - and proceed no further with Christianity. An "impersonal God" - well and good. A subjective God of beauty, truth, and goodness, inside our own heads - better still. A formless life-force surging through us, a vast power which we can tap - best of all. But God himself, alive, pulling at the other end of the cord, perhaps approaching at an infinite speed, the hunter, king, husband - that is quite another matter. There comes a moment when the children who have been playing at burglars hush suddenly: was that a real footstep in the hall? There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion ("Man's search for God!") suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found us?
He has, indeed, if we will let him.....
Pro Life or Pro Abortion?
This brings me to a thoughtful Don Feder piece, directed to me by the good folks at Wittingshire. I will ask my 8th grader to read this, as it distills a very emotional argument into a synopsis that is sensible. While I do not pretend to understand it all, we must engage our minds to tackle these difficult issues.
With her permission, I will post the finished "Pro Life" piece when it is completed. Stay tuned.
Monday, January 17, 2005
Who Gets the Kids?
Sara Trollinger is among those in Orlando working to help young people embody conservative values. She is the founder of House of Hope, a residential facility that counsels teens in crisis using biblical principles.
Her political ties were forged through a miracle of sorts. On May 28, 1985, an article was written about her program in the Orlando Sentinel. That day, President Ronald Reagan happened to be in town giving a speech. Ms. Trollinger says she prayed he would see the article. He got on Air Force One after the speech, read the story, and wrote the facility a personal check for $1,000.
Today, a photocopy of Mr. Reagan's check hangs in the facility's entryway. A large painting of Jesus is surrounded by photos of Ms. Trollinger with Mr. Reagan, George W. Bush, and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. When conservative leaders speak of faith-based initiatives, they often laud House of Hope, which has seven affiliates.
Most of the 37 teens living in the Orlando facility have awful histories: violence, abuse, addictions. Almost all of them say they support Mr. Bush. They've discussed that he was a drinker who found God, and they see themselves in that story. "God can change your character if you let him," said Gus, 16. Ms. Trollinger describes Bill Clinton as "a terrible role model for our young people." She had residents pray for him when he was president.
The teens are also schooled in the nuts and bolts of politics, including taking road trips to the state capital in Tallahassee to see how bills are passed.
"This is the generation that will change the morality of America," Ms. Trollinger says. "The scripture says 'a little child will lead them.' "
God Bless Sara Trollinger, and the work she does. But Sara might want to think before she quotes Scripture to a reporter from the Wall Street Journal. This is from the prophet Isaiah, a prophecy of the coming Christ, as I understand it. Not the coming Republican youth!
More on Death of the Church
I used to attend a church where the pastor would announce nearly every Sunday morning at the beginning of the service....."The Living Christ is here!" And He is, indeed. I see evidence of it every day. But, around us, the organized church may be struggling for its future. Suffice it to say that the denomination I belong to, the Presbyterian church, has experienced massive membership loss over the past 25 years or so.
Why is this so? In my mind, one word - irrelevance. In short, the modern church has become irrelevant to the modern man and woman. Secondly, our affluence in American has blinded us to the lack of real meaning in our own lives. And yet, a carpenter from Nazareth still changes lives. How do we reconcile the two? Here is a starting point.
My Friend Pastor Tod
I will disclose grizzly details of Tod's bachelor life, for donations to World Vision Tsunami relief. Tod would be proud of your donation.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
The Death of the Church
So why was I thinking about a book I read almost 8 years ago? I had an interesting and somewhat sad conversation today with a fellow parent on the sidelines of a soccer game. As we stood at the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains, the warm sun still feeling new after nearly a week of rain, the backdrop of this girls soccer game was lovely. This Psalm was in the back of my mind, as the conversation turned to our common experience in the church. My fellow-parent-friend has been involved for a number of years in a slowly atrophying church in our town. In the interest of propriety, I will not discuss the specific reasons that this once healthy church is in decline, but chalk it up to, well, that problem the church has everywhere - the people in it (including me, lots of times). The town we live in has a nice handful of these quietly sick, small, essentially mission-less places, where those involved continue on in committee meetings, and seemingly bide time. I have heard more than once, "our church was really great and vital during the 1980s, but now...nothing is happening".
So, back to the book, noted above. Read this, and you will understand more about how the church must change in order to affect the world in a more relevant and meaningful way. I may have more to say on this later, but shoot, I have to go to work tomorrow....and it is late!
Wishy Washy Educators
All that said for this. Public education makes me crazy for its lack of virtually any moral instruction. Case in point is this post about a recent "situation" in Palo Alto, California.
This should cause us all to pause and pray (consistently) for our teachers and school administrators, both Believing and not. Also, I recently read an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal by Terry M. Moe, which says:
"If we really want to improve schools, something has to be done about the teachers unions. The idea that an enlightened "reform unionizing" will somehow emerge that voluntarily puts the interests of children first -- an idea in vogue among union apologists -- is nothing more than a pipe dream. The unions are what they are. They have fundamental, job-related interests that are very real, and are the raison d'etre of their organizations. These interests drive their behavior, and this is not going to change. Ever.
If the teachers unions won't voluntarily give up their power, then it has to be taken away from them -- through new laws that, among other things, drastically limit (or prohibit) collective bargaining in public education, link teachers' pay to their performance, make it easy to get rid of mediocre teachers, give administrators control over the assignment of teachers to schools and classrooms, and prohibit unions from spending a member's dues on political activities unless that member gives explicit prior consent.
These reforms won't come easily because the unions will use their existing power, which is tremendous, to defeat most attempts to take it away. There is, however, one ray of hope: that the American public will become informed about the unions' iron grip on the public schools and demand that something be done. Only when the public speaks out will politicians have the courage -- and the electoral incentive -- to do the right thing. And only then will the interests of children be given true priority."
Food for thought.
Friday, January 07, 2005
Thought for the Day
We must cast aside apathy, pride, prejudice and sin, and
seek God in scorn of the consequences. Of all these
hindrances to effective search the last two are the hardest
to overcome, intellectual prejudice and moral self-will.
Both are expressions of fear, and fear is the greatest
enemy of the truth. Fear paralyses our search. We know
that to find God and to accept Jesus Christ would be a very
inconvenient experience. It would involve the rethinking
of our whole outlook on life and the readjustment of our
whole manner of life. And it is a combination of
intellectual and moral cowardice which makes us hesitate.
We do not find because we do not seek. We do not seek
because we do not want to find, and we know that the way to
be certain of not finding is not to seek.
Saturday, January 01, 2005

Do not pay attention to the appraiser behind the curtain!
This blog is off to a pathetically slow start, but given some time, persistence, and heavy medication, perhaps it may amount to something.
Foremost on my mind the past week has been the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia. We all should have a part in healing ....go to the best organization I know of to help in the context of Christian relief: