Sunday, January 23, 2005

Country Club or a Rescue Station

I heard a great sermon today - from Philippians 1:12-22. The premise was - do we want our church to be a Country Club or a Rescue Station (for dying souls). This was particularly interesting to me, as many of those in the church we presently attend quite enjoy the country club lifestyle. And I am more than happy to be invited to a country club to play golf, although my golf game tends to be somewhat offensive to some, and perhaps resembles something needing rescue, EMT, or life support. The country club is safe, serene, insulated, non-threatening. The rescue station, on the other hand is noisy, hectic, messy, cluttered, and lets in people we sometimes might not like to have around. You know, "those people".

I found it providential (as in God not making mistakes) how this morning's sermon fit so nicely into this musing by my friend Rob Asghar. Lord, please make my life more oriented to the Rescue Station....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I can agree with this post. Far too often we seek to please the audience around us when we should be focusing on the audience of One. Jesus was the greatest example of looking to those in need and I am convicted of this all the time.

    Thanks for your blog :) keep it up.


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