Friday, March 18, 2005

Joel Osteen No Thank You Very Much

I have been thinking about a review of Joel Osteen's book for a while, because the premise really gives me the shivers. I also could not bring myself to buy it, the premise makes me so nutty. Just go read the Amazon Reviews, if you think I am kidding. Read past the first page...its entertaining.

The title, "Your Best Life Now". Lets just take a second and examine these words:

Your - Hmmm....another version of that word might be MINE! The thing a spoiled 3-year old chants in the back seat of the Volvo on the way to Chucky Cheese.
Best - Not average, not mundane, not ordinary as life sometimes just is, but best, always perfect and shiny and happy and no problems. Ever.
Life - ok, this word is ok. Jesus talked a lot about life, but not Joel Osteen's wacky version of it.
Now - oh, great. Another classically American word. Now. Not later. Not someday. Not in the proper season of life. Now, dammit, I am an American, and I want it now!! And get me some fries with that, quick!

Alright, I have said my piece. But what do I know? So go read this, and get a much clearer view of it all.


  1. Hmmm. It all sounds suspiciously like some of the televangelists of the past and their gospel of prosperity. Just right for our culture of me.

    I often feel guilt at all I have and how much I've wasted. Not that I am not thankful for those blessings, but should I be doing more with them than I am?

    And, though I am annoyed at the preaching of the gospel of prosperity, do I, in fact, live that very gospel out day to day instead of the true teachings of Jesus?

    BTW, thanks for the link to Michael Spencer.

  2. Thought provoking and maddening. I've come across this twisted theology in the past and it really puzzles me how selective some can be when they read the scriptures. Skimming the cream off the top, so to speak, and tossing the rest. I have never heard a convincing argument for this 'prosperity' gospel. Like Tim though, I feel that even though I am against it as a belief system, do I participate in it on some level? I am prosperous in comparison to many (dare I say most) people in this world, even though by Canadian standards I am anything but prosperous. Am I follwing Christ's true example. I am willing to give it all up for the sake of the cross and the furthering of His kingdom. I'd like to think so. Reality check - maybe not. Thanks for the post!

  3. Tim and Becky:

    Thanks so much for your input and introspection. Indeed, we are the richest of the rich. What does the Lord require of us?


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