Saturday, March 12, 2005

OK People, God is Still at the Healing Business

Drop everything, and go look at this.

Warning, it is not for the squeamish, but it is, at least for me, such a wonderful example that God, and his people, are still at work bringing healing to the world. Make sure you hit the "morph" link at the end of the is wonderful. The morphed pictures make me think of what Jesus' touch did to the lepers.....

Were you moved? Donate here.


  1. It is incredible what God is doing. Sometimes we do see instant healings and I know God still does that but it still amazes me that He chooses to use His people to bring about healing.

    Thanks for linking to my site. just found yours and will be back.

  2. Jenni:

    You are most welcome for the link. I so appreciate the work you are doing there - a life lived boldly for Christ. Keep your posts coming, and lets pray together that our electronic link brings good things for the Kingdom!


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