So, last week I am having one of my rare quiet lunches. Just me and several back issues of the Wall Street Journal (the world's most excellent newspaper). No clients, no office staff. Just me and the paper. Ahhh, bliss for the sometime introvert that I am. And in the "offbeat" center column of the front page, I come across this article, which definitely has my interest.
I find a link to this web site in the article. I visit the web site, and get nearly giddy with some of the ideas, concepts, and direction of what these folks are up to. Jesus, for the rest of us! To see who is behind this novel idea, look here.
So now, since, as my friend Rob points out, I have a less-than-adequate education, I need some of my more theologically minded friends to pitch in, and post their thoughts on the Off-The-Map folks.
I have a couple questions for this Off-the-Map Evangelist. First, what does he believe? I'm not sure by looking at his web page. Also, has it worked? Has someone received Jesus as their PERSONAL Lord and Savior due to his creativity? Receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior is the key here, NOT getting someone to attend or find a church that one likes. There is a difference between a relationship with Christ and being a part of a religion. A BIG DIFFERENCE! With that said, I'd like to know what his idea is behind getting/buying someone to attend and evaluate sermons?!? Curious. As far as interviewing non-Christians to find out how to witness to them better...I don't mean to put him down if this is truly the working of the Holy Spirit in him to evangalize this way...but wouldn't it be better to interview Christians instead of non-Christians and find out what led them to receive Jesus in their heart? THAT IS HOW WE'D REALLY FIND OUT WHAT WORKS! Seems to me like asking a non-Christian how should I witness to him is the same as asking a 1 year old how should I teach you to walk? How is the 1 year old going to know how to teach him, HE CAN'T WALK? Cindy O.