Saturday, June 30, 2007

IPhone Day, Spoiled Kids, and a Yawn

Yesterday shall forever go down in history as IPhone roll out day. Although I am somewhat of a techno-geek, please pardon me while I don't wet my pants in hysteric anticipation.

My office is in Old Town Pasadena, and some 15 year old kid from La Canada has been waiting in line to get his phone for two days now. Fifteen? Where did he get the $500 from? Oh, wait, Mom is in line with him. Can you spell "indulged child"? But then again, perhaps this child will avoid therapy later life because his Mom shared his interests in life with him when he was young.

However, I am encouraged that Jesus still outranks the IPhone, over the long haul. Click the image to enlarge.

This video sums up all the hysteria.....with great humor. HT to Julie


  1. Now Steve, there is a chance that this kid is paying for his phone himself, isn't there? Our son Jacob has bought a total of two iPods with his own money, as well as paid for space camp, his cell phone and an X Box 360 (went in with brothers on the X Box).

    So some kids DO pay their own way, even when dependent on mom to drive them to the store. :)

  2. iPhone - the next thing in ridiculously unnecessary commercialism.

    Thanks for your thoughts. And for showing me google trends. How fun!


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