You know how you get those emails at the office that are sort of annoying; like the "pass this on or you will be hit by a bus", or "write your congressman about this", or "hello, I am the widow of the Nigerian Consulate in Bhugmamaland and I have US $50 million to give you, if you will only write back and give me your bank account PIN"?
Well today, I got an email that made me weep. It seems that Ben Stein has written his last column, but it might have happened a while ago, I can't be sure. Either way, take a minute and read it. You will be glad you did.
Its like Ben crawled inside my head, and read my mind. Take a minute, read it, and be blessed. I would love to have a meal with Ben.
Steve, I read this article and it is great....it looks like it was written sometime in 2003.
Hi Steve,
One of my buddies who is an army chaplain serving his third tour in Iraq sent me this column. Maybe God is sparing Hollywood because of one Ben.
Thanks for sharing Steve...that was a good read and like you, it somehow spoke my own thoughts.
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