Today my friend Tod Bolsinger has an interesting post about what may be a good book. Go look.
As a part of the post, Tod directs us to the Common Grounds blog, which might make great reading. Anyplace where thoughtful Christian folk get together to talk about the Christian Journey is wonderful. Just take a look at the contributors, it looks like the Who's Who of cool Christendom. My favorite, at least visually for scare factor, is this fellow!
However, this leaves me wondering about the regular fellow, the Norge Repairman, if you will. As I peruse the list of contributors to Common Grounds, I don't see a broad collection of regular folk, the lay people of the church. Might broadening the field make it tons more interesting? Just think of it, the "Norge Repairman's Theological Musings!"
However, I do know some of these (regular) folks, and love to read their thoughts - check my BlogRoll for more - both regular and "fancy" people, both those with and without at least an M.A. or M.S. after their names.
Steve, thanks for the shout out. Doug Serven is indeed one scary looking fellow. If you ever take Tod up on his recommendation of Common Grounds, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the book. I'm thinking of opening a sister blog, or maybe just a post/comment thread on the current one, for readers to discuss the book. But what if I threw a discussion and no one came? :)
Steve, you are a blessing to me on a day when I am questioning the whole point of this blogging thing and feeling very old, both physically and mentally.
As you say, there seems to be very few "regular fellows" making contributions to the conversation. I don't know if that is due to time constraints or the mistaken belief that we have to leave the thinking to the "professionals."
Thanks for your contributions to this ongoing conversation about Christian living in the 21st century.
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