You never know what to expect, living in LA. Today, a man from here came by our house, looking for a location to shoot a "family friendly" film. Turns out, this production company is controlled by these guys.
Now, if you want to feel like you have ingested too much medication, read this, a primer on Scientology theology.
So, what to do? Should we let these folks use our house for filming, and then take the money and give it to these guys? Do we tell them no thanks, we are Christian folk, and would prefer not to have Thetans in our home?
I am sorry, I am making fun. This really is all very sad, this Scientology thing. Very sad. What would you do?
For more information on Scientology, look here and here.
My favorite line, from the Rolling Stone article:
In his 1983 autobiography, Over My Shoulder: Reflections on a Science Fiction Era, the sci-fi writer Lloyd Eshbach describes meeting Hubbard in the late 1940s. "I'd like to start a religion," Eshbach recalls Hubbard saying. "That's where the money is."
when i am not leading worship in my church, i work part time as an on-camera actor and voice-over talent. Last year I was approached to play the lead role in an independent film. the role was fun, juicy, etc. right up my alley. the role also called for miles and miles of profanity as well as a scene taking place in a strip club. I am no prude - I've been around the block. The "actor" in me said, "Hey, it's just a role..." At the same time, I am also a Christian. So I turned down the role.
Often times, because I am big and round, I get called upon to appear in beer commercials. I am not against drinking a beer every now and then - but for me, it would just seem to be a possible negative effect to have me appear in a Coors ad on Saturday - and then be leading worship on a Sunday... "Hey, isn't that the guy in that Coors ad up there leading praise today?"
Bottom line - money is only money and God will always provide. Sometimes we have to make hard choices... but when they are built on integrity, they can only have a positive outcome in the end.
I use to work in telecommunication sales. At the time, I was given a list of accounts to call on. My largest account was an abortion clinic, all of their locations. I, personally, couldn't keep that account. (not saying that someone else shouldn't, I just couldn't.) In being obedient to what God had put on my heart, I went to my boss and told him that I couldn't call on that particular customer. He assigned it to someone else and unfortunetly did not replace it for another. I thought it wise to look elsewhere due to my lack of accounts in order to meet sales quotas. I was offered a job at another telecommunications company and took it. Unfortunetly, once I began, I realized it was not the position I thought it was. It turned out to be more of a customer service type of position and I had really wanted to be in sales. I wasn't sure why God had led me there and I was miserable. The company sent me out of state for customer service training where I met another new employee, Leah. To try to make a long story shorter, Leah and I talked about the Lord and by the end of our training, she prayed with me to receive Jesus in her heart! (I knew then why I was there! WHAT JOY!)
As time went by (8 months to be exact), the company I use to work for contacted me and wanted me back. They offered me a different position with better pay and one that was perfect for me! Because I left, they were able to hire Dina for my old position. Coming back, I was now a part of Dina's sales team. Also, trying to make a long story shorter, I and another Christian at work were able to witness to her and God used us to help lead her to the Lord! What JOY!
I'm sharing this all with you, because it was very hard for me to decline this account! But, I was obedient to God...and look what came of it!
YOU and YOUR FAMILY may be different than my situation, however. Your mission and what God has placed on your heart may be one to offer your home so that you can bear witness of Christ for those who come into your home?!? Only you and your family can answer that through prayer and reading of the Word. I think the people to really ask that question to is your children who you've nurtured in the Lord. See what they think. If you all are desiring to bear witness, than think on how you can do so and even ask others for creative ideas they may have.
May the Lord lead you to hear His calling- Cindy O.
Well Steve, if you don’t mind being on peoples “A” list then keep right on writing exposés like this one.
You’re on my “A” list for putting the whole thing in a nut shell so that my convictions are even more entrenched. So I thank you for that. I never wanted to know any more about these guys. My interactions with them have always been very uncomfortable, dare I say weird.
You may also find your self on some Xenu loony’s “A” list and Lord knows you have only just recovered from clashing with Old Nick at church, so I don’t know why you would want to be so close so soon. Perhaps you are a better warrior than I.
This is a very nicely researched and enlightening, if frightening, blog. Well done! Take a pat on the back.
Neil McLeod
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