Forrest Gump's Mama was right when she told him, "Stupid is as stupid does, Forrest". Forrest listened to his Mama. The photo to the left illustrates that I can be perty stupid at times - note the Nascar baseball hat.
This past week, the Presbyterian Church USA did something pretty schizophrenic, and well, stupid. As I am not a theologian, I direct you here, to the most well thought out, fair, and measured response to the looniness of a declining denomination. For me, its not so much about being Presbyterian, but about honoring Christ and his church. I am not so sure this sort of nonsense does either of those things.
Hmmm, maybe things like this are why Presbyterians are loosing ground faster than Dale Earnhardt in a golf cart with low batteries.
nice hat dude!
Steve - re: "stupid" - you DO realize that the picture you direct us to view is NOT "to the right" as you indicate but, rather, "to the left." I looked and looked on the right and didn't find it - FINALLY, I glanced over to the left and saw the picture...
I grew up in a PCUSA church... now I am in an EPC church - but bottom line, I agree with (what I think) you are saying... it's not the denomination God will remember, but, rather, our relationship with Him.
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