Some more thoughts on what the future of the church is going to look like, based on my reading of Leadership Next, by Eddie Gibbs.
It is all going to be different folks, lets open our hearts and minds, and get ready."A “missional church” is one that focuses on “going forth” into the world, rather than looking inward to its own programs and plans."
"The gospel embraces so much more than just the important truth of making a decision for Christ. It is as much concerned about how we live our lives before death as with after death. In its true New Testament meaning, external life embraces the here and now, as a prelude to eternity.""For younger leaders, the greatest concern isn't how to get people to come to church but how best to take the church into the world. Their emphasis is not on extraction from the world, but on engagement with society. This emphasis on engagement needs to be reflected in the church’s criteria for selecting leaders and training them for ministry. For example, those who seek ministry in the church as an escape from the pressures of secular employment need to be weeded out. At the same time, those offering themselves for ministry without any significant life experience outside of the church need to immerse themselves in the secular world – just as a missionary candidate would be encouraged to have prefield, crosscultural experience."
For a wonderful and hauntingly sad example of resistance to change, go read this short story.
File under: Church Thoughts
1 comment:
good stuff...really good stuff...I still think we need to get together for coffee...life will never slow down I suppose...so anytime is as good as the next.
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