Interesting convergence...
Alright, everyone stay calm, I am not becoming a Catholic. But the older I get the less I know for sure. I do know for sure that Jesus is Lord, and has transformed my life. I know for sure that I have been graced beyond measure by my wife, my children, and my friends. I know that The Simpsons is just about the funniest thing on TV, most of the time. And I do know that some of the finest, most joyous, dear, thoughtful, good, and faithfully devoted people I know are.....GASP...Catholic! I love them dearly.
However, there is lots of stuff I am not so sure about. One is this, which I find interesting (HT to Hugh Hewitt). Read, and ponder, good people.
Here I go again, Steve (only once, this time, I hope.)
I almost did a post on Things that make you go "Hmmmmm...." I am glad that you only said you found it "interesting." My first thought, and remaining thought, is "Superstitious poppycock...."
A big dislike of mine surrounding the supernatural nature of God is that there is something "magical" in it all. Full of mystery? Yes. Miraculous? Yes. Stuff I'm not so sure about? Absolutely. But it isn't anything magical. This, I think was part of the sin of Simon, the sorcerer who wanted to buy the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8.)
Sorry, for my rant. I just see some of that in the post you (and Hugh)referenced. "God flying the flag at half-staff" equated to an eclipse. Seems like so much stuff and nonsense to me.
However, I like the Simpsons a lot, too.
I don't think it's any more crazy that this: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/_/id/7235393?rnd=1112974138140&has-player=true&version=
I would agree, JW. Even in our activism there has to be that degree of moderation and sensibility that comes by tempering our social actions with the love of Jesus.
This kind of extremism is brought about by liberal extremism at the other end of the moral spectrum. We need to find a balance without compromise and be consistent in regards to all our concerns. I think, above all, we need to spend just as much time, if not more, tending to the genuine needs of those who are hurting, those who are hungry, those who are thirsty.
I Corinthians 13, comes to mind. "Though I am the most politically active evangelist, and though I protesteth mightily, if I have not love I am nothing but a bunch of useless noise in the wind" (my paraphrase, obviously.)
Maybe so. But the real point here is how prevalent that extremism is in our society. We can evaluate prevalence by looking at: which people of power are involved, how strongly their demands are being pushed, and if that is being equally countered by their acceptance of other views.
I hope the left takes note of those in power so that when the cycle returns in their favor, they will come across as embracing rather than force-feeding. Unfortunately, today it just appears the powerful simply have no sense of decency (feel free to read into that quote).
That said, both sides could do better. The right needs to stop being angry and the left could chill on the intellectual masturbation.
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