Gosh darn Christians!
In the span of 24 hours, this and this appear on separate blogs, both by men who love Jesus. I swear, we Christian folk must drive those looking in on us completely nutty.
I have to admit that I agree more with Michael Spencer than I do with Al Mohler, and I find it highly ironic that Michael Spencer is a graduate of the school that Al Mohler is now dean of. Can you imagine?
While I agree with some of what Al Mohler says, I can hardly imagine using it to THONK some of my dear Catholic friends over the head with; such as "High there Sue, sorry to hear about John Paul, but did you know that his ideas about Mary as "Co-Redemptrix" are just WRONG?! Oh, and have a nice day!" And here is a shocker, my Catholic friends, they actually really do love Jesus!
This type of theological one-upsmanship makes me cringe. I am sorry, Dr. Mohler, but I want to actually get along with my Catholic friends at the city little league field. I wonder if Al has kids that still play little league, or for that matter, if he ever ventures outside of his theological world?
Surely there is a better middle ground to find.
Funny the different takes we can have on the same post. I was hesitant to link to Mohler's piece (although I did) because I thought people might find it negative or distasteful. But, he did find much to praise JPII for and chose also to point out some of the significant differences between Protestants and Catholics.
I see it as an opportunity to learn more about our Catholic brothers and sisters, not to "thonk" them with it, but to better understand and relate and love and be in unity with them.
I think that knowing our differences goes a long ways toward getting past those differences into the heart of the matter - Jesus.
Sorry about all the deleted comments. It appeared that Blogger wasn't letting me comment and kept returning an error. Of course, I kept trying, being the persistent person that I am. When everything started working I saw that everytime I tried it had actually posted. Hence, seven identical posts. so I removed six of them.
Have a great day!
Wow, eight comments, nine now. You've got a regular debate going on here.
I wholeheartedly agree! I posted on this the other day. Really, I heard nothing but admiration for the Pope from all, no matter what they beleive. And I belive that the Pope is dancing in heaven even though I am not catholic. He knows Jesus and that's it!!!!
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