Congrats Fuller Grads!
There are some moments in life that seem dry and painful, almost void of God's presence. Sometimes the days go by one after another without significant meaning; just plodding along. Being middle-aged, I often have days like this, in spite of the joys of raising two girls. And then, there are other moments. Moments that seem frozen in time, memories that can last us for years.
Last night was one of those times at our house. During the past year or so, we have developed friendships with four very different Fuller Seminary graduate students, and yesterday was graduation day. We threw a party at our house for our four friends:
Christiana - Masters of Divinity - now seeking her Doctorate, possibly at the University of Aberdeen
Ben - Masters of Divinity - seeking ordination in the Presbyterian Church, and service in the US military as a chaplain
Karen - Masters of Divinity - seeking ordination in the Presbyterian Church
Lindsay - Masters of Divinity - now pursuing her Masters in Family Therapy at Fuller
We are blessed to know these wonderful folks, and it is so energizing to know that they are moving forth into the world to pursue further education and begin careers in ministry, caring, and education. Do not loose heart, there are wonderful people entering service for the Kingdom. And hey, I just realized three of the four are women. Not bad.
Congratulations, Fuller graduates! Continue the journey....go forth!
You guys rock! Steve, I wish I can clone you and Nancy and have you be at every church with every pastor you are friends with. I know we would all be blessed to have you apart of our churches. Of course we don't do that cloning thang!
Thanks for the party Steve. Everything was great. Let's do it again at the end of the summer. I'll bring the wine.
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